Limit Infinity {Mixtape}
PURPOSE: This project is a culmination of 10 years of experimentation, doubt, and introspection. While it may not be perfectly refined, I wanted to share it with the world; as a student of the game, I need to capture and reflect on the feedback provided to further hone my craft.
THEME: In essence, this is an autobiography of my life so far. All my pain, struggle, hurt, lost loves, conditions, and confusion is on display; however, don't get it twisted, my happiness and dreams are as well.
EXPECTATION: Music has been such a pivotal part of my life, and I have always wanted to make music for myself - first and foremost. But, if this has the potential to connect others, create dialogue, or crash disastrously -- I'm good. Thank you in advance for listening, sharing, and taking a chance on a young kid with countless dreams trying to make something out of nothing.