Centering Young Audiences in Volunteer Opportunities (Workshop)

Supporting a group of volunteer professionals with attracting and supporting young audiences.

Centering Young Audiences in Volunteer Opportunities

In March 2024, I was contracted by the Northwest Oregon Volunteer Administrators Association (NOVAA) to lead a workshop for a group of volunteer professionals whose organizations range in contexts (small vs. large, rural vs. urban, emerging vs. established).

The workshop covered (1) an overview of definitions and types of volunteering, (2) attendees’ organizational contexts and shared knowledge and expertise, (3) overview of youth culture and its impact on interactions and interest, (4) the significance of communication and authenticity, (5) the need for focused recruitment efforts that prioritize accessibility and inclusion, (6) the benefits of mentorship, trust, and rapport for retention, (7) and culminating with work time to develop action plans for their organizations.


Hustlin (Video)


i'm still me (Video)