Hip-Hop & Spoken Word: a Guide to Self-Care (Workshops)
Using the power of hip-hop, spoken word, and culture to examine mental health and trauma experiences.
Hip-Hop & Spoken Word: A Guide to Self-Care
Since 2018, I have hosted this workshop (and all of its variations) with a breadth of community groups and organizations, as well as for events and through my organizing with Portland Through a Latinx Lens e.g. with MENTE Summit, PNCA’s Sloth Skill Swap, Portland Public School’s International Youth Leadership Conference, and the Winter Poetry Festival.
The workshop covers (1) my history and growth as a hip-hop artist, and how writing, performing, and making music allowed me to process many of my life events, traumas, and other negative experiences, (2) the concept of a top five list and delving into why we have favorite artists, (3) the showcase of a spoken word poem and/or song, including a breakdown of its structure, use of literary devices, and flow, (4) and a collaborative activity where the entire group creates a song together.